Friday, July 9, 2010

Paul the Octopus needs Hankerchief

Paul, the Octopus has become very famous after his 6 accurate predictions for the 2010 World Cup Football Finals for matches involving Germany and Spain. This brilliant German Octopus already stunned all the German fans and always predicted that Germany will win but for the World Cup 2010 Semifinal prediction between Spain vs Germany, Paul Octopus selected Spain.

Paul's life could be in danger threatened by angry Germans and now Spanish authorities are stepping in with suggestions to keep him.

"Nothing beats grilled octopus" said Germany fan.

"Cut him up in thin slices and grill him on all sides with dash of lemon juice, olive oil and garlic on it. Delicious!" According to Reuters, German newspapers and websites have been filled with suggestions of what to do with physic Paul -- "most involved cooking and eating him".

Will Paul become a dish on one day? Where is the humanity?

We know that all octopuses have 9 brains so we know he has exceptional power. We shouldn't put the blame on him because he's just a creature, not a human. If he would pick Germany instead of Spain, Paul would become the superstar in German; but Paul selected Spain and now everyone is talking about octopus recipe. 

 If Paul the Octopus know crying, his tears might be mixed with the water. Who knows?

What will Paul's predictions be for the World Cup Champion 2010?

I'm not a football fan and I didn't mean to support any team. Sorry if I have offended you guys.

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